Replacing Your Missing Teeth: Discover the Versatility of Dental Implants

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 10:04 pm
a mouth mold that contains an implant bridge in Houston

When asking a dentist which restorative solution is best for replacing missing teeth, the answer you receive will most likely be dental implants in Houston. Considered the gold standard for tooth replacement, these permanent prosthetics stand high above the competition, offering exceptional benefits that cannot be attained with traditional dentures or dental bridges. Read on to learn more about the three different types of dental implants and how your dentist can help you achieve the full, complete smile you deserve.

What Are the 3 Types of Dental Implants?

No matter how many teeth need to be replaced, you can count on dental implants to offer stability, functionality, and better oral health. Because of their versatility, they are capable of addressing all types of tooth loss, such as:

  • One Missing Tooth: Using a single tooth dental implant, your dentist can mimic the natural tooth structure from the root to the crown. Through minor oral surgery, a single titanium implant post is placed into your jawbone before a metal abutment and customized dental crown are secured to the top. Not only does this prevent healthy teeth from being altered to serve as anchors for a bridge, but it allows for improved oral health because the implant post continuously stimulates your bone to prevent facial collapse and tooth misalignment.
  • Multiple Missing Teeth: If two or more teeth are missing, an implant bridge can be created. Placing two posts into the outer sockets, a customized dental bridge is created and placed on top. This eliminates the gap and offers greater functionality when eating and speaking because of the improved bite force and chewing power. If the missing teeth are not consecutive, a partial implant denture can be created and secured into place.
  • Missing and Entire Arch: Don’t worry, you won’t be forced to live with a traditional denture if you’re missing all your teeth. Instead, your dentist can install between 4 and 6 dental implants along the arch before securing a custom-made denture on top. Not only will it be virtually impossible for anyone to tell the difference, but you’ll feel more confident in your ability to perform normal daily functions (i.e., smile, speak, and eat) as well as manage your oral health without the need for specialized cleaning solutions and dental adhesives.

Who is a Qualified Candidate?

You may be surprised to learn that most adults can receive dental implants. During a consultation with your dentist, they will examine your oral cavity and facial structures using modern dental technology. Once they have the information needed, they will tell you if you can immediately move forward with dental implant surgery or if you require preliminary treatments. Oftentimes, if signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or minimal jawbone are present, it is necessary to undergo periodontal therapy, tooth extraction, or bone grafting. No matter your situation, there is a good chance that dental implants can be a part of your future.

If you don’t want to settle for more traditional tooth replacement solutions, consider how dental implants can make a significant difference in your life.

About the Author
Dr. Holly Boone completed her Doctor of Dental Medicine at the University of Florida College of Dentistry before being chosen to complete a fast-paced honors clinical training residency. As one of three qualified dentists at Tamborello Dental Associates, she and Dr. Tamborello and Dr. Banks are pleased to provide start-to-finish dental implant placement in their Houston office. When patients with one or more missing teeth arrive for help, Dr. Boone and her team can deliver long-lasting, life-changing results that stand the test of time. If you want a fully restored smile using permanent prosthetics, contact us at (713) 522-7540.