Learn the 5 Best Ways to Maintain Your Dental Implants in Houston!

October 18, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 8:46 pm

Model of an implant in the lower jawIf you’re one of the 178 million Americans missing at least one tooth, you already know how much it can affect your quality of life. Lower self-confidence, difficulty eating and bone loss in the jaws are just some of the consequences that can happen after tooth loss. But the good news is that dental implants in Houston can beautifully restore your smile becaus they look, feel and function a lot like your natural teeth. And while they’re certainly an investment of time and money, they’re well worth it because they can last decades with the right maintenance. Keep reading below to learn about the 5 best ways to make sure your investment in your smile lasts!

1. Wear a Nightguard

If you’re one of the many people who clench and grind at night, you’re putting a huge amount of pressure on your natural teeth and implants. Over time, this pressure can cause your implants to become loose.

However, wearing a nightguard can prevent this issue and provide protection from clenching and grinding.

2. Do a Great Job With Your Oral Hygiene

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and, unfortunately, can cause implants to fail as well. To keep your gums healthy, gently and thoroughly brush at least twice a day for 2 minutes.

Also, be sure to floss each day with the right technique, since it’s a bit different around implants than around natural teeth. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist or hygienist for a flossing demonstration if you aren’t sure.

Also, you might consider using an oral irrigator each day, since they’re an easy way to flush out plaque and bacteria from the hard-to-reach areas around an implant.

3. Make Sure Your Dentist Is Well-Qualified

As implants have grown in popularity, offers for “bargain implants” have increased. In many cases, these implants cost less because inferior materials or techniques are used that can affect the long-term success of an implant.

That’s why it’s always important to see a well-qualified dentist, so be sure to ask about their training and implant experience.

4. Quit Smoking

The success rate for dental implants is around 98% for non-smokers. That drops to about 85% for smokers because it interferes with their ability to heal after implant surgery. If you smoke, ask your dentist or doctor for recommendations for one of the many smoking cessation tools available.

5. Get Regular Checkups

Just like caring for your natural teeth, it’s important to see an implant dentist every 6 months to monitor the health of your implant. At each exam, they’ll evaluate your gums and use routine X-rays to make sure the bone support around your implant remains healthy.

They’ll also be able to catch any potential problems as early as possible and treat them before they cause implant failure.

Dental implants in Houston are a fantastic investment in your oral health that can last decades or even a lifetime. With these 5 tips, you’ll be giving your implant a great chance of long-term success!

About the Author

Dr. Donald Tamborello is a general, cosmetic and implant dentist who uses the most advanced implant methods and techniques to restore his patients’ smiles. He also educates his patients on the best way to care for their new smiles in between visits. If you have any other questions about how to care for your implants, he can be reached via his website or at (713) 522-7540.