Is An Electric Toothbrush Really Better? Ask a Dentist in Montrose

December 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 6:31 am

A Woman Holds an Electric and Manual ToothbrushIf you’re confused about which type of toothbrush you should use, it’s easy to understand why! There’s so much conflicting information out there on the subject. Should you get an electric or a manual brush? Soft or hard bristles? It doesn’t help that when you visit the oral hygiene aisle at the grocery store, you’re faced with a wall of countless options. And then there’s the huge amount of marketing that you’re bombarded with, all telling you something different about which toothbrush is the best. If you’d like a simple guide to what kind of toothbrush will help you have the healthiest smile, a dentist in Montrose clarifies this confusing topic.

Electric vs. Manual

Toothbrushes can be broken down into two main categories: Electric and manual. One of the first things patients often ask their dentist or dental hygienist is, “Does an electric brush really do a better job?” The short answer is: Yes!

Here are just some of the advantages of an electric brush:

  • They automatically stay on for the recommended time of two minutes. This alone is a big reason that they’re so effective.
  • They provide anywhere from 6,000 to 30,000 brush strokes per minute, which provides superior cleaning for your teeth and gums.
  • When used correctly they use a lot less pressure as you brush, which can help keep your gum tissue healthy.
  • Some types of electric brushes can give you feedback about your technique, helping you to angle your bristles the correct way or reduce the pressure you’re using for maximum effectiveness.

While electric brushes will improve oral hygiene for everyone, they’re particularly helpful for children, those who have dexterity issues in their hands or anyone who has gum recession from brushing too hard with a manual.

Other Factors To Consider

What other factors should go into your decision? First, it’s helpful to know that there are several different price points for electric brushes, so there’s one to fit everyone’s budget. Even a model that doesn’t have extra settings or any “bells and whistles” is still going to do a significantly better job than a manual.

Another factor to be aware of is that multiple people in your household can use the same electric brush by simply switching out the brush head. In particular, couples are often happy to both get the benefits of a power brush while only paying for one.

One last thing to keep in mind is that electric brush heads all use soft bristles, which dentists and dental hygienists recommend. There’s a misconception that hard bristles clean the teeth better, but actually soft bristles are best, which also protect sensitive gum tissue.

With this information, you’ll have a better idea of the benefits you can have from using an electric toothbrush. In addition to regular checkups and cleanings with a dentist in Montrose, better brushing will contribute to a lifetime of healthy teeth!

About the Author

Dr. Tamborello and Dr. Bowen are general, cosmetic and restorative dentists who are passionate about providing exceptional dental care, as well as educating their patients on the best way to take care of their teeth at home. They both graduated from Texas A&M University before pursuing their dental degrees, and enjoy being active in the Houston community. They’re available for questions via their website or at (713) 522-7540.


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