Thanksgiving Tips: How to Keep Your Smile Clean

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 10:54 pm
family eating during Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day full of love, laughter, and food – LOTS of food. It’s a tradition for families to get together and indulge in a delicious feast of holiday foods. While many look forward to roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, you shouldn’t forget to prioritize your oral health. Taking proper care of your smile is incredibly important year-round, especially during the holidays. Read on to learn a few dental health tips that’ll keep your pearly whites shining bright this season!

Keep Floss on Hand

Flossing is crucial for a healthy smile. It’s essential for removing food particles, bacteria, and other unwanted debris from between your teeth. Since you’ll likely be eating all day on Thanksgiving, it’s a good idea to have floss on hand. Make sure you clean your teeth each time after you eat to reduce plaque buildup. You can even get your loved ones to participate by handing out floss to everyone between meals!

Watch Out for Sticky Sweets

Who doesn’t want to enjoy a slice of pie on Thanksgiving? From pumpkin to apple to pecan, there are many tasty desserts to look forward to. Unfortunately, these classic holiday pies can wreak havoc on your smile. They’re sticky and sweet – a bad combination for your teeth. While you can still indulge in a bit of pie, you should rinse your mouth with water afterward to remove sugar and prevent it from sticking to your teeth and gums.

Eat Lots of Protein and Vegetables

Don’t just stuff your face with dessert or dinner rolls! These yummy dishes can increase your risk of cavities and decay. Instead, you should load up on turkey and vegetables. Eating plenty of protein and veggies will help keep you full without damaging your smile.

Grab an Extra Scoop of Cranberries

Believe it or not, cranberries can actually benefit your oral health! They help delay tooth decay because they contain polyphenols, which are known to ward off harmful cavity-causing bacteria. As such, you should consider serving yourself an extra scoop of cranberries this Thanksgiving.

Limit Your Wine Intake

Not only can wine stain your teeth, but it can also weaken your enamel. Your tooth enamel is essential for protecting your teeth from decay. Once it’s gone, it’ll never grow back, which is why you need to protect it. By reducing your intake of wine, you can keep your smile healthy and stain-free!

Are you excited for your Thanksgiving feast? With these dental health tips, you can keep your smile healthy and bright this holiday season!

About the Practice

At Tamborello Dental Associates, we strive to provide high-quality and personalized dental care to patients of all ages. Our goal is to help everyone achieve and maintain a strong, healthy, beautiful smile. For more holiday dental health tips, visit our website or call (713) 522-7540.inter