The Dangers of Neglecting Dental Hygiene

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Garrett Wiley @ 2:58 pm

Dental hygiene is more than just a bright smile. It’s a crucial part of our overall health.

The dangers of neglecting dental hygiene can lead to serious issues. These range from tooth decay and gum disease to heart disease and diabetes.

In this article, we’ll explore the dangers of not maintaining dental hygiene. We’ll also provide practical advice on overcoming common challenges, such as brushing with braces and managing the gag reflex.


Promoting Overall Health through Dentistry

June 6, 2024

“Health centered dentistry is more than just oral care. It’s a holistic approach that promotes overall wellness.

This approach recognizes the connection between oral health and systemic health. It’s not just about treating dental issues, but also about preventing health problems that can originate from the mouth.

In this article, we will explore the concept of health centered dentistry. We will delve into its role in promoting overall health, the importance of dental wellness, and the significance of dental hygiene.


Caring for Your Teeth After a Deep Cleaning

May 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — houstondentist @ 5:40 pm

Full mouth restoration

Proper care after a deep cleaning is crucial for maintaining good oral health. A deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planning, is a procedure that removes plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gum line. By following the right aftercare steps, you can promote healing, reduce sensitivity, and prevent future dental issues.


Why Skipping Dental Cleanings Is a Big No-No

March 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — houstondentist @ 9:23 pm
patient visiting dentist for routine checkup and cleaning

When life gets busy, it’s easy to let certain tasks slip through the cracks. Unfortunately, skipping dental cleanings, is one of the tasks that often gets neglected is regular dental checkups. You may think that missing a dental appointment here and there is no big deal, but the truth is, skipping these crucial visits can lead to more problems than you might realize. Here are some reasons why you should never put off your semi-annual visits with your dentist.
