Invest in Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants in Montrose

December 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 6:40 pm

older woman holding an appleA missing tooth is no laughing matter. Although many people believe it only creates aesthetic issues, you know firsthand that the empty space also impacts your quality of life. Now, you feel insecure about your appearance while you also struggle to pronounce certain sounds clearly. You also miss eating your favorite foods. Not to mention, you now have new complications with your oral health, like dental drift. Did you know you can overcome the consequences of tooth loss with dental implants in Montrose? You will enjoy the next best thing to your natural teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

You may think all tooth replacement options are the same, but they are not. Dental implants are in a class of their own because they are the only treatment to replace both the root and crown of a tooth. This allows them to provide exceptional benefits that are not possible with any other treatment.

  • Added Security: The implant post stimulates your jaw to encourage new bone growth. This allows your jawbone to fuse to the post to create a secure foundation for your replacement tooth. You will never need to worry about slipping or irritation again while eating your favorite foods. In fact, you can regain as much as 70% of your biting force.
  • Natural Appearance: All-ceramic materials allow your restorations to be customized to match the appearance of your natural teeth.
  • Easy Maintenance: You care for dental implants just as you do your natural teeth. You do not need messy adhesives or expensive cleaning products.
  • Improved Oral Health: The implant post preserves your bone density to protect your remaining teeth from dental drift. This decreases your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and additional missing teeth.
  • Protects Facials Structures: The improved bone density supports your facial structures to prevent premature sagging or wrinkling of your skin.
  • Speak Confidently: Your new smile will stay in place when eating, speaking, or smiling to revamp your confidence.
  • Long-Term Solution: You will have added peace of mind knowing your dental implant never needs to be replaced if you care for it properly.
  • Cost-Effective: Dental implants are an investment because they can last for several decades.

Complete Your Smile Today!

You do not need to feel weighed down by an unattractive smile. You can replace your missing teeth with a solution that offers over a 95% success rate. Enjoy a treatment that can last for a lifetime to invest in your daily life.

About Dr. Donald F. Tamborello

Dr. Donald F. Tamborello is supported by over 32 years of experience as a dentist. He combines his qualifications and experience with state-of-the-art services to help his patients achieve optimal well-being. If you are living with missing teeth, he has the solutions you need to restore a confident, functional smile. Contact Tamborello Dental Associates today to see if dental implants are the right choice for you.