Why It Is Important to Overcome Your Dental Fear

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 8:15 pm
woman looking scared at dentist

Your brother-in-law shocked you at the last family cookout when he admitted he hasn’t been to the dentist in eight years. You were impressed he still has so many of his teeth with that being the case. When you asked why, he said he’s never felt like he had any adverse symptoms that made him think a checkup was necessary. You told him there are several issues that could occur without him being aware of them, and you hope he’ll finally make that appointment. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Houston why this could be a form of dental fear, why it’s not uncommon, and how people can get past their concerns.


How a Dentist Recommends You Conduct Spring Cleaning

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — houstondentist @ 8:09 pm
woman in dental chair with dentist illustration

The first calendar year to have three different U.S. presidents was 1841, and that would only occur again 40 years later. Something perhaps less consequential in history that also happened in 1841 was the debut of the phrase “spring cleaning.” Defined as “thorough cleaning of a place,” spring cleaning can even relate to your oral health, which might still be recovering from the foods of the holiday season. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Houston about how you can conduct spring cleaning for your smile.
